The RosFranklin Society – named after British chemist Rosalind Franklin, who discovered the structure of DNA – is an organization that helps to assimilate young girls into STEM fields that men have historically dominated. This society, founded by PCDS junior Petra Danek, accomplishes this mission by visiting different schools across the valley and giving lessons to groups of young girls on different STEM-related topics. The organization hopes to spark interest by facilitating workshops that give girls hands-on experience with materials, furthering their knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Just a few weeks ago, the RosFranklin Society taught a group of girls about the scientific explanation behind human DNA. At this workshop, the students were taught how to see their DNA by gargling salt water then adding soap, food coloring, and rubbing alcohol to the water. This was a very educational and formative experience for these girls, as it allowed them to strengthen their knowledge of biology and how their DNA works through a fun, colorful project.
As founder Petra Danek explains, one of her favorite parts about the organization is “the moment when the girls get super excited and interested.”
“I am very excited that we hopefully get to play a small part in these girls’ journeys, and I hope this will create a community where they feel they not only get to learn about STEM subjects but feel excited and curious, as well as supported by like-minded individuals and role models,” Danek said.
Despite the good this organization has accomplished thus far, there is still a long way to go for young girls to be fully assimilated into STEM fields as young boys are. As RosFranklin Society ambassador and PCDS junior Kathryn Barakat details, “I went to an elementary school that was heavily focused on STEM where my love for those subjects flourished, but unfortunately, many young girls do not get this same opportunity.”
“I think a lot of girls are naturally drawn to sciences,” she adds, “but need an extra nudge to explore their passion in those fields.”
The RosFranklin Society hopes to continue its mission of helping educate many more young girls on the intricacies and importance of STEM-related fields.