EEN had the chance to sit down with Michaela Paltzik and Chase Sorosky to discuss the behind-the-scenes process of creating the infamous Senior Boys’ Dance for the 2024 Blue and Gold Prep Rally. Featuring everything from Fein to rip-off pants, this dance had it all. This year’s performance honored the tradition’s legacy while simultaneously “breaking standard conformities of masculinity,” as Michaela adds. After months of hard work and almost daily rehearsals, Michaela, Chase, and the rest of the dance group were excited to take their skills out of the locker rooms and show them to the world.
Michaela Paltzik and co-coaches Katie Sodja, Claire Cabianca, and Julia Lotz took on individual roles and responsibilities. Chase explains, “We had Katie Sodja as coach, Julia Lotz on music, Michaela fixing everybody’s mess-ups, and we had Claire Cabianca helping to manage it all.”
Almost immediately, coaches and dancers alike threw out endless ideas for choreography, music, and even some exciting costumes. Michaela shares, “It was pretty stressful in the beginning. We all wanted to make it the best dance, not only to watch but also for the boys to dance. We wanted them to enjoy the process.”
All who participated can agree that the Senior Boys’ Dance was more than just the final product. From horror stories featuring Michaela alone in a locker room full of twenty boys to insanely high excitement levels, both Chase and Michaela emphasized the lifelong memories they have made over the last few months. Yet, nothing was more impactful than the opportunity to be a part of such a long-standing PCDS tradition. “We took inspiration from the successes around us, and we have culminated in an experience that involves everyone, as well as each of the talents and preferences of individuals participating in the dance. Contributing to this PCDS legacy has not only been an honor, but a privilege,” Chase shares, a sentiment echoed by everyone involved.
In closing, Chase and Michaela are extremely proud of what the Senior class of 2025 has created for this year’s Senior Boys’ Dance, and even more grateful for the memories and opportunity to be a part of the beloved PCDS tradition. “We had a good time… I feel like we really got our spirits high. The energy is just really invigorating.” Michaela says, with Chase concluding, “This dance, being a dance to break standard conformities of masculinity… the whole dance is so zesty. It is good though, you guys should be excited.”
*This is an updated version of a previously published article.